Entry Level Jobs: How To Get Your Foot In The Door
Getting an entry level job can be a difficult task even when you're a recent graduate armed with a diploma or degree and figure that you're ready to take on the corporate world. If only someone in the corporate world would give you a chance to get your foot in the door though…Getting a job isn't necessarily a case of sending off some resumes and waiting for the calls to come in. Too many job searchers fire off a dozen or more resumes to hiring managers and sit back and expect that their door will be broken down by companies begging them to take a job with their company.
The Internet has made it very easy for everyone to fire off resumes left, right and centre so hiring managers have had to invent new ways to weed through the hundreds of applications they might receive for each job they advertise.
One way to get past finding your resume in the junk folder of the hiring managers you've emailed is to take another approach to try to get your foot in the door. Consider finding some decision makers in your chosen field and contact them to ask for help. Tell them you're a recent graduate and are trying to get your foot in the door. Don't ask for a job, but request their help. Ask who they'd suggest speaking with in your industry who might open some doors for you.
People generally like to help other people even if it means simply pointing you in the direction of someone else who can help you further. If you're lucky, you'll find someone who remembers how difficult it was when they were searching for their first job and will be willing to give you some advice.
Look for professional organizations or trade groups that represent your profession who might offer some advice, too. Don't forget to utilize your college or university's placement center as well. Any job search advice they can provide might be just what you need to get your foot in the door.
The more avenues you pursue, the better your chances of getting a job.Carl Mueller is an Internet entrepreneur and professional recruiter who has written an ebook for career-minded individuals who are looking to get the job they want, the career they deserve and want to manage their career for the long term. Recruiter Secrets Revealed sheds light on job search and career management "secrets" that you can use to supercharge your career and distinguish yourself from other job searchers.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carl_Mueller
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