It has been said that Napoleon won all his battles in his tent; that is, he did all the planning the night before the battle was joined, so that every contingency could be adequately covered. Interview preparation is similar. You never know exactly what will happen on the battlefield, but by being ready, you can eliminate a lot of the uncertainty, and know how to react to different scenarios. Similarly before appearing for any interview, preparation must be done. Prepare for the interview by drawing up a checklist. This will help to calm you down and focus on what you need to do.
- If your interview information has been sent by letter, call up and confirm that the time and date is okay for you. Mark the date and time on my calendar or datebook.
During your confirmation call find out exactly where the interview will be held and what it will be like - will it be a panel, will there be any tests.Give yourself plenty of time to get there, check out bus or train times in advance or whether it is easy to park. Make sure you know where the company is located; it is advisable to make the trip to the site before the day of the interview and take traffic into account before deciding on a time to set off.Decide what to wear - make sure what you choose is clean, pressed and smart but comfortable too. Have an decent haircut or hairstyle. Clean & manicured fingernails.Gather any documents you might need, such as your test scores, high school & graduation certificats.Learn as much about the employer as possible. Find out about the company products, type of business, current happenings to show you are interested in that field. A few days before keep an eye on the TV news and read the newspapers in case there is a big story relating to the field you are going into.Learn as much about the job as you can. Your knowledge about work, duties/responsibilities shows that you've done your homework.Read through your application form and CV. Think about what questions an interviewer might ask and come up with some replies.Know the answers to two basic questions. They'll help you prepare for the hiring manager's questions.A) Why do you want the job? Money, of course, but maybe you like the company's service or product.
B) What do you have to offer? Walk in the employer's shoes for a minute and look at the job from his/her perspective. What can you do that makes you a great candidate?
- Practise interview answers with your friends, your family, and by yourself in front of a mirror.
- Prepare questions for the employer. The hiring manager will like curious people, especially those who are curious about his/her organization.
- Finally, try to go to bed at a reasonable time the night before so that you are fresh on the day. If the interview is first thing in the morning, set your alarm and make sure it works.
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